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MyBenefitsApp Knowledge Library

Learn how to do my job!

During my time at Mojo Solo, I did a lot of customer support work for clients using MyBenefitsApp, our wordpress-based employee benefits platform. As part of that work, I slowly put together a comprehensive knowledge base for users and admins alike to help more people manage the complex (and often convoluted) processes that made the site work.

Exporting this knowledge library has messed with some of the formatting and broken a few video links, but many of my step-by-step guides have made it through unscathed.

Portfolio Highlights - Scriptwriting

This playlist will give you a high-level overview of my scriptwriting chops, which takes up the lion’s share of my copywriting work at Mojo Solo.

Mojo Solo Video Portfolio

Here, you’ll find the portfolio from my time at Mojo Solo.

In my role as Content Manager, I dealt much more with concepting, scripting, and collaborating with designers on storyboarding than I did actually shooting and editing the final product, but I was also a key part of the final review process ensuring that we were exceeding client demands and hitting the beats we wanted to include.

Quotacy Video Portfolio

Here, you’ll find all of my work for Quotacy. As their video producer, I organically built Quotacy’s Youtube presence from the ground up to a healthy and active base of 500+ subscribers by helping Jeanna and Natasha, two other members of our marketing team, answer life insurance questions our viewers wanted to know in an easy-to-understand format.

This playlist also includes the pieces I edited for Minnesota Tonight. I also worked as a producer for Minnesota Tonight’s live show from 2018-2019, so my footage is in many of their other videos, but the pieces in this playlist were the ones personally edited by me for the show’s youtube channel.